Thursday, July 9, 2009

Russian Economic News Thursday July 9, 2009


  • The Ministry of Finance is going to increase excise taxes to help finance the budget; problems might arise from tax collection rates
  • Central Bank feels that small banks are setting deposit rates too high, which increases the costs the loans and the potential of bad asset accumulation
  • Mixed news on Inflation, but generally positive – inflation at the beginning of the month at .2%, but CBR expects it to be 0% for the month

From... United Bank of Switzerland Daily News Report:

Headline: Economics – Ministry of Finance to Introduce Higher Excise Taxes

  • Initiative to increase future financing of the budget
  • Will increase taxes on alcohol, cigarettes, fuel, and growth in mineral extraction and export
  • The increase is estimated to result in a R251.2-271.2B increase in revenues
  • Tax burden will be on alcohol producers; taxes would increase by 30%
  • This was expected, and could lead to a lesser burden on reserve fund (which may be already drained; deficit at 6.5% of GDP)
  • Problems relate to the alcohol industry tax collection rates; currently only at 45%

Headline: Banks – CBR Warns Banks Against Deposit Rates Being too High

  • CBR announced that scrutiny over the level of the deposit rates in the system needed to be increased
  • Higher lending rates are due to smaller banks offering deposit rates that are too high; exacerbates the bad loan problem
  • Loan affordability is related to the cost of funding for Russian Banks
  • CBR should continue to stimulate reductions in deposit rates which would stimulate growth and lessen asset quality issues

From... Deutsch Bank Morning Comment:

Headline: CBR Expects Inflation to be Close to Zero in July

  • Deputy head of CBR expects inflation to be close to 0% in July, and close to 0% in August
  • Inflation in 2008 for July and August was .5% & .4%, respectively
  • If inflation is 0-.5% MoM, we can expect YoY terms of 11.4%-12% for July
  • Minster of Economic Development announced that they will reduce inflation target from 13% to 12-12.5%

From... Troika Dialogue Russia Market Daily:

Headline: Inflation at .2% over first six days of July

  • CPI rose .2% between June 30 and July 6, same as a year earlier
  • CPI not expected to exceed .5% for the month
  • Increased was due to rising oil price and growth in tariffs
  • Regardless, positive view on inflation this year, annual figure estimated around 10.5%
  • Central Bank is expected to continue cutting base rates

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