Thursday, July 16, 2009

Russian Economic News Wednesday July 15, 2009


  • Ruble depreciation attributed to declining oil prices – budget deficits and tight liquidity may possibly prevent acceleration of depreciation
  • PPI has increased significantly over the past month signaling a build up of inflationary pressure.

From... Troika Dialogue Russia Market Daily:

Headline: Ruble Depreciation May Half as Excessive Free Liquidity Evaporates

  • Recent ruble depreciation triggered by declining oil prices
  • The increase exchange rate sensitivity to oil prices is connected to the ruble liquidity injection through budget channels
  • Budget ran a significant deficit in June, banking accumulated more than R1.1T in deposits
  • Since banking system is demonstrating increased demand for rubles, and oil prices are increasing, ruble is not expected to fall dramatically

From... Business New Europe Daily News Letter:

Headline: PPI Hits 2.2% in June

  • PPI Growth points to a build up of inflationary pressure – producer prices increased by 2.2% MoM – significantly over the 1.3 MoM estimate
  • Suggests that the inflationary pressures have stared to build up
  • CPI rate has lagged behind closing at 7.4% YTD
  • Oil and Gas prices push PPI up – wholesale prices rose 14.3%

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